Andrew Jenkins
Associate Principal
I consider myself to be a value-driven school leader intent on ensuring that all students leave this phase of their education as well-rounded individuals, fully equipped to thrive as global citizens. My experience as a senior leader has been acquired from a wide range of roles in contextually different schools, at various stages of their development, ranging from school improvement models to contributing to high performing schools in the private education sector.
Mine has been a sixteen-year journey to the Principal of Middle and Upper School position at GEMS Wellington International School. Beginning in 2005 as a teacher of Physical Education, I have since held responsibilities across all areas of school leadership, at every tier within a school’s structure. As a passionate advocate of the necessity for life-long learning, I am reflective and constantly review my professional practice. To this end, I have completed a post-graduate Masters degree in Educational Leadership through the Institute of Education, University College London. My dissertation and research focus titled Creating and sustaining school level culture: The strategic actions of newly appointed Headteachers in England were chosen specifically to support my personal ambition of leading a school in the future.