Wendy Harris
Wellington Cluster Leader of Inclusion
I love teaching and spent the early part of my career leading Drama Departments in a number of different schools in the UK, before making the decision to retrain in the field of SEND. I am extremely passionate about Inclusive Education and I strongly believe that every student has the right to be educated in a school like WIS. I have a number of postgraduate qualifications, including Advanced Certificates in Education in both SpLD and Autism. I gained the UK National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination, and was a Senior Leader SENDCo in the UK before coming to Dubai in 2010. I recently passed the Masters level Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A) and I love the continual, lifelong learning that working in education provides.
I joined WIS in 2010 as Secondary Head of Inclusion and soon become part of the Senior Leadership Team, also taking on the Pastoral Care and Support role for Secondary for a number of years. In my current role as Assistant Headteacher for whole school Inclusion, I am able to ensure that Inclusion is high on the agenda for all staff and I love to see how students grow and develop through school. I am very proud that our dedication and success with Inclusion at WIS has been reflected in outstanding judgements from KHDA every year.