Michael Price
Head of Year 4
I began my WIS journey back in 2019, where I started off as a Year Three teacher. I have since worked at WIS in Year Three, Four, Five and Six as a class teacher as well as being the Director of Innovation and Digital Strategy for the whole school.
I started off my career studying at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom, where I completed BA Honors Degree in Primary Education with QTS over four years. I have been lucky enough, in my 8 years of teaching to have worked in a range of year groups, which has enabled me to enhance my professional development in all areas as well as working with amazing and inspiring students.
As a highly driven and dedicated practitioner, I always strive to support and guide students to achieve their full potential in every aspect of their learning journey. From the moment you walk into WIS and the moment you leave, the entire school is always buzzing with excitement and here to support our whole school community. I am incredibly excited to be the Head of Year Four, developing, supporting and guiding your children in their final year in Lower School.